Deprecation warning

The repository was archived in connection with the beginning of the development of the official TrainPix Discord bot.

TrainPix Build Status Codacy Badge License: GPL v3 Discord

Discord bot for TrainPix



To run TrainPix in production, it is recommended to use Docker. Just pull TrainPix image from Docker Hub and run it with command: shell script $ docker run --env TRAINPIX_TOKEN= russia9/trainpix:latest


| Name | Summary | Parameters | Example | Aliases | | - | - | - | - | - | | /help | Display help menu | None | /help | /help | | /list | Display list of trains | Part of train number | /l ЭП2Д-0 | /list, /l | | /photo | Display photo of train | Train number | /p ЭР2-1338 | /photo, /p |

Used libraries